My road to EFT

My road to EFT

Irena sm heartIrena Barton

By my mid-forties, I had achieved more than I had ever dreamed of. I had a blissful relationship, a successful banking career, a beautiful home, and a brilliant daughter studying in a respected university in Great Britain. According to all laws, I should have felt utterly fulfilled. Instead, my life was full of stress, my body suffered from chronic illnesses and agonizing pains that doctors could not cure apart of with painkillers. The debilitating illness followed by the death of my mother made me question the purpose of life and the reason for suffering.

By then I had read a huge amount of self-help and self-development books, had been applying auto-suggestion and Silva Method for mind control for decades, and had started to work with Universal Energy. However, nothing seemed to conquer the stress nor to answer my questions.

Enter EFT and it changed my life forever. Until then I had a career, EFT called me. It balanced my deeply emotional nature and as a result, my health improved dramatically where traditional medicine had been failing me for years. I am no longer taking the painkillers I was so used to and as a bonus, my eye-sight improved significantly and I even lost a few kilos.

I started to realize that achieving success is different from acquiring fulfilment where you do things for love and with a sense of purpose. As I kept tapping I was so empowered that I felt inspired to leave the comfort of my banking career in the midst of an economic crisis and to start a pioneering EFT business in my own country, Bulgaria. This allowed me to experience deep personal transformation with an unprecedented upsurge of life force and creative energy in all areas of my life.

Day after day I witness the astounding results that my clients and students receive which makes me stand in awe of the transformational power of energy psychology. Empowering my clients brings me a deep sense of fulfilment and purpose. I feel forever grateful to my teachers and to all those great people who brought EFT to the world.

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EFT - How to Tap

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MR Demonstration

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What is the experience?

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When to use?