If you could easily access your subconscious mind would you re-write those programmes that are not serving you - like I'm not good enough, I'm a failure, I'm rejected etc.?
When mindfulness combines with Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) a powerful tool called Matrix Reimprinting or the EFT meditation is created.
Matrix Reimprinting is a form of meditation with EFT where the therapist leads the client to mentally revisit a stressful past event in order to resolve it by using EFT, intuition and creativity. It can also be self-applied by the client.
You will learn:
How subconscious models are created
How your conscious and subconscious minds work
How to access the subconscious mind in order to re-learn
Brain-wave frequencies and how EFT tapping slows them down
EFT tapping and re-writing the brain's learning
How EFT tapping combines with meditation for a powerful intuitive transformation
And there will be an ONLINE live EFT demonstration!
EFT tapping stimulates alpha brain waves while at the same time desensitizes the stress centre in the brain. As a result, the perceptions about the memory and the past self are changed spontaneously. In addition, deep personal insights emerge and a fuller picture of the event and the people involved is felt in the mind and body. The new holographic perception is imprinted into the body-mind.
The scientific research with electroencephalography during a session with Matrix Reimprinting shows, that the brain activity slows down to theta and even delta brain waves (as in a deep sleep). Therefore this modality can effectively uncover unconscious experiences and emotions including pre-conscious memories from early childhood age and even past lives.
Matrix Reimprinting is a light trance similar to meditation while focused on an internal experience and at the same time tapping certain bio-active (acupuncture) points on the face and body. Starting from the present-day complaint it can quickly take you to the stressful events that created the self-sabotaging belief.
People who have experienced "going into the Matrix" call it a life-changing experience, the fastest transformation ever:
EFT and Matrix Reimprinting were by far unlike anything else! Total transformation in front of your very eyes! And Irena is absolutely captivating! I don't just feel different after the course, I AM a new person! And as for my future - the sky is the limit! ~T., Certified Practitioner
EFT and Matrix Reimprinting can easily get to the root of the problem - starting with the present problem it has the ability to locate the underlying stressful event from the past which caused it. They are extremely effective to bring consciousness and healing to areas of life that are less functional, they are perfect tools for revealing mental blocks.
The awareness of the underlying reason for our struggles can dramatically improve our emotional and physical health, bring back mental balance and increase our quality of life. A lot of people, who are using EFT and Matrix Reimprinting are having deeply transforming and mystical experiences.
Join us ONLINE to learn how your conscious and subconscious minds work and to try and personally experience EFT tapping - we'll use it to "erase" a bothersome memory.