EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Certification Training Courses
Join Irena Relyovska-Barton EFTMR Academy Master trainer and the only Bulgarian with Gary Craig’s academic EFT Certificate.
Founder and Chair of BADEP, a not-for-profit professional organization promoting EFT, certified by EFT Founder Gary Craig, Irena introduced international quality EFT and Matrix Reimprinting training to psychologists, medical and homeopathy doctors and other helping professionals. Member of EFTi (previous AAMET) and Guild of Energist, a UK Registered not-for-profit professional organisations.
Courses Description
- Group practises
- Practises in pairs under supervision
- Questions and answers
- Binder with all course material
- Pre and post-course materials
- PDF of the course presentation
- Audio recording of the course
- Coffee/tea
- Certificate of completion
- EFTMR Academy post-course support