Specialist areas

Specialist Areas

The persistent result my trainees constantly get is increased self-confidence and unlimited mindset - you can check their feedback and testimonials. I  observed their growth over the years and I witnessed some amazing transformations after they incorporated EFT and Matrix Reimprinting into their everyday lives.

The best specialist areas are the personally-experienced ones.

I love to help carers looking after a family member with a severe health challenge. Most physical diseases have an emotional contributor which if revealed and processed with EFT/MR can lead to healing. I have seen many times how after my clients deal with their traumatic experiences or life ordeals they open up for a new life.

My specialist areas are:

  1. Growing self-confidence and unlimited mindset;
  2. dealing with “emotions out of nowhere” – over-reaction: when our emotional reaction does not match our everyday life challenges;
  3. removing (unrecognized) internal limitations to achieving a goal – when determined to achieve we do all that is needed but the results do not match our efforts;
  4. stress management and dealing with disempowering situations – especially for long-term family carers;
  5. eliminating persistent negative emotions/thinking – when we cannot control our feelings or thoughts;
  6. empowering people who had experienced loss ;
  7. any kind of performance anxiety – before a job interview, presenting a project, sitting a test, public speaking;
  8. weight issues – they are related to our feeling of safety, exchanging love or sexually related; 
  9. quit smoking;
  10. finding our life purpose.


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EFT - How to Tap

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MR Demonstration

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What is the experience?

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When to use?