Matrix Reimprinting is a form of meditation with EFT where the therapist leads the client to mentally revisit a stressful past event in order to resolve it by using EFT, intuition and creativity. It can also be self-applied by the client.
In practice this is done in the safety of our mind, with eyes closed we access a troubling memory or scene as an observer. We can get into the Matrix even when there is no particular memory but a negative emotion or sensation which we can't remove despite all our efforts. From the observer's position we do not re-live the discomforts of the strong emotion and are more capable of helping and tapping on our younger self or ECHO so that it can discharge the intense feelings and change the situation with the resources of the imagination. By melting the blocked energy of the ECHO its energy is re-integrated in our energy system.
Meridian tapping and inner focusing relaxes the mind and reduces the brain waves to alpha frequency while increasing its concentration at the same time. This helps achieve clarity and reveals additional information hidden from the conscious mind. Very often we can spontaneously access pre-conscious memories or past life experiences.
These energy bodies or ECHOs hold enlightening information that can be obtained only after discharging the intense feelings. Then we are able to see the events and people involved from a new perspective which brings more consciousness in our lives. Often we are able to trace the source of a limiting belief to the moment it has been created in our childhood mind as a wrong explanation to a challenging situation.
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