Fears and Phobias


EFT for Fear of Flying

airplane wing towards clouds 731217smCould this therapist end your fear of flying in just three sessions? Phobia expert uses unusual treatment dubbed 'acupuncture without needles' to help aerophobics

  • Therapist Lauren Rosenberg uses Emotional Freedom Technique
  • Mrs Rosenberg has near 100 percent success rate helping aerophobics
  • Also assists clients with OCD, food allergies and stress-related illnesses

By Simon Cable for MailOnline Daily Mail: 18:08, 2 November 2014 | Updated: 18:10, 2 November 2014

Getting on a plane for many people is an experience to be endured rather than enjoyed.

But if you are among the estimated 10 per cent of the population who suffer from a fear of flying, help could be at hand.

Read more: EFT for Fear of Flying

Born with Umbilical Cord around the Neck

man 4321831smallStanley had almost died at birth because the umbilical cord had tied around his neck. He described his problem as “being unable to speak and communicate with people”. He had worked hard on this issue and had tried a variety of modalities like Matrix Energetix, Family Constellations, and Reconnective healing apart from EFT and Matrix Reimprinting and yet with little or no effect. Stanley admitted that he still felt a lot of anger and negative emotions.

Before starting the session I asked Stanley a few questions to establish his system of beliefs in order to know how to communicate with him. He told me that he was a shaman.

Read more: Born with Umbilical Cord around the Neck


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EFT - How to Tap

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MR Demonstration

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What is the experience?

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When to use?