EFT for Fear of Flying
- Details
- Created: Wednesday, 13 May 2020 12:30
Could this therapist end your fear of flying in just three sessions? Phobia expert uses unusual treatment dubbed 'acupuncture without needles' to help aerophobics
- Therapist Lauren Rosenberg uses Emotional Freedom Technique
- Mrs Rosenberg has near 100 percent success rate helping aerophobics
- Also assists clients with OCD, food allergies and stress-related illnesses
By Simon Cable for MailOnline Daily Mail: 18:08, 2 November 2014 | Updated: 18:10, 2 November 2014
Getting on a plane for many people is an experience to be endured rather than enjoyed.
But if you are among the estimated 10 per cent of the population who suffer from a fear of flying, help could be at hand.