Exploring Abundance Psychology

Exploring Abundance Psychology

EXPLORING ABUNDANCE PSYCHOLOGYChanging mindset with Emotional Freedom Techniques aka tapping

Some years ago, the Law of Attraction and the movie "The Secret" made headlines around the world. In the film renowned experts explained in plain language how consciousness and matter interact. These explanations were based on the findings of quantum physics and studies of ancient texts plus some real-life examples.

According to the Law of Attraction, every person is a magnet that attracts to themselves everything – events, people, material goods, and opportunities – no matter whether positive or negative.

At every moment we emit a vibration – that of our thoughts and feelings. Most of us know about the impact positive thinking has on our reality and try to apply it in our daily lives. Positive thinking, however, is not enough, or at least it does not work as fast as we would like, because our emotions and thoughts change constantly. Therefore, our vibrations change, and we don’t get the results that we would want.

In this FREE webinar you will learn:

  • How the Law of Attraction works and how to use it consciously and deliberately – plus the science behind it
  • How unconscious or constantly repetitive thoughts affect our vibration
  • What are the two factors without which the Law of Attraction doesn't work, no matter how long we meditate, visualize, or just dream?

The truth is the Law of Attraction works all the time, whether you like it or not. What you have now is the result of your vibration.

You can deliberately activate the LoA, harness your vibration and change your results!

This webinar is for you if:

  • You have been trying to activate the Law of Attraction but are dissatisfied with the results
  • Despite all your efforts you are disappointed by the slow manifestation;
  • Wondering what is blocking abundance in a particular area, given that you prosper in other areas
  • You are interested in how to FURTHER accelerate the manifestation

Esther and Jerry Hicks, who channelled the book Ask and It Is Given, put it this way: "The more intense your positive feelings, the faster you attract to yourself what you want."

Your host: Irena Relyovska-Barton, holding Gary Craig’s academic EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) certificate and a Master EFT Trainer with the British EFTMR Academy. Irena is an expert in the subconscious mind, author of Set Your Subconscious Mind to Abundance and has successfully combined the magic of EFT with the psychology of abundance in her work for the last 15 years.

Most importantly, there will be EFT tapping for abundance - you will experience first-hand the mindset shift that will help you to attract more abundance in life

When: Monday, 4 Mar 2024, 7.00 – 8.30 pm

Where: online on Zoom

Tickets: free via Eventbrite


Note for those not familiar with EFT

EFT also known as tapping is the most popular modality in energy psychology - a family of mind-body methods that rapidly reduce stress and trauma while increasing calm. It involves tapping on bio-active points on the head and body (acupuncture points) while focusing on discomfort.

World-renowned motivational speakers like Tony Robbins and Jack Canfield (portrayed in the film The Secret) use it in their courses for its immediate effect. More than 100 scientific studies of the last 15 years confirm its effectiveness for a variety of mental and physical problems.

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